The Cleveland Industrial Archaeology Society prides itself on the high standard of its publications. Members of the Society receive all publications free of charge as they are published. We publish three main types of document:-

We circulate two or three of these a year.
As well as including information on events and lectures we publish short news items, reviews and reminiscences from members.
Index of articles in Newsletters
Every newsletter since the very first in 1974 is available in the Members Area
The Cleveland Industrial Archaeologist

This is our journal. We publish original items of research in to all aspects of Industrial Heritage in the area.
The journal is an anthology of articles which are often themed to cover a particular industry or location.
To view a current index to The Cleveland Industrial Archaeologist click here.
Research Reports

These stand alone reports cover one larger topic of detailed research.
Details of these reports can be found on our index of publications, click here to view the latest list.
Special Publications

The Banners of the Steel Workers Union : A memorial to Jake Almond for his long time involvement in the Cleveland Industrial Archaeology Society
Finding our publications
Our publications are stocked by the following local libraries:
Darlington Library; Middlesbrough Central Library; Newcastle Upon Tyne City Library; Redcar Library; Stockton-on-Tees Library; Whitby Literary and Philosophical Society; Yorkshire Archaeological Society (Leeds); University of Durham Library (Memoirs and Research Reports only).
Other local institutions who have full sets of our publications are:
Teesside Archives; Old Hall Museum, Kirkleatham; North York Moors National Park; Tees Archaeology; University of Teesside.
The following National Libraries receive copies of C.I.A.S. Memoirs and Research Reports:
The British Library; University of Oxford Library; University of Cambridge Library; Trinity College Dublin Library; National Library of Scotland; National Library of Wales.
We have a stock of many of our publications for sale. Download the current sale list here.